We are Brandon and Amber Kirksey. Proud parents of Zoe, Casen, Camden, Chloe and a baby girl we have yet to meet:)
Our little men while in Ethiopia!
Monday, December 21, 2009
This morning I got a phone call-we have a court date:) Jan 08, 2010 This court day is for Casen only. We are still waiting on a court day for Camden. This means we could be traveling early February to pick up Casen!!!!! Please pray we pass our first try and that Camden is assigned a court date very soon!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Estimated time....
Well when we recieved our refferal we were told the estimated wait time for a court date was 2.5 months. For us, that was yesterday! Yet, we still wait with no sign that our court date is coming soon:(
Someday I will post a happy post with great pictures of our sweet boys...That day is coming!!!!!!! Soon I hope :)
Someday I will post a happy post with great pictures of our sweet boys...That day is coming!!!!!!! Soon I hope :)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Today has been awsome!!! Thanks to the Johnson's we recieved the first pictures we've gotten since our refferal over 9 weeks ago! We are thrilled! They are so cute and look very healthy!
Thank you Ben and Kate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Ben and Kate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Hard Time
Now that we are 2 months and 1 week waiting for a court date (still with no news that one will be coming soon) I am starting to have a difficult time waiting! I just can't understand for the life of me why it takes so long. I know there are alot of other families waiting and that are in line ahead of us and not many judges but please please please speed things up!!!!!! I just keep telling myself everything comes in God's timing NOT mine!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
New info...
Not the information I was hoping for but, I will take what I can get! We found out today that Casen's paper work is "complete" and he is ready to be assigned a court date but, Camden's is still in "process" so they are waiting to assign a court date so that they can both go at one time. She said in the process stage it has been taking between a couple days and a few weeks to complete. Hopefully this means soon very soon we will pass court and be on our way to bringing home our boys:)
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
2 months down ? months to go
We recieved our refferal for Casen and Camden 2 months ago today. This means our boys are 2 months older and we have yet to hear any news of a court date. Please pray hard!!!!!!!!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I don't care what anyone says-waiting for a court date is way worse than waiting for a refferal!!! After you have seen those sweet little faces all you can think about is hugs, kisses, bedtime stories, and all those other fantastic things you day dream about!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
We have slashed prices at our etsy store, if you are interested please take a look at zoesmother.etsy.com the bracelets and 2 styles of shirts are also on sale.
They money will be used for travel to Ethiopia to bring Casen and Camden home!
They money will be used for travel to Ethiopia to bring Casen and Camden home!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I have decided it would be a GREAT idea for me to travel to Ethiopia now and visit my boys everyday! untill we get a court date-and pass!!!!!! Forget that i would have to take off work and spend lots of money to stay there for an undetermined amount of time, my babies need me! ~If only:(
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Our boys
What I can tell you... Casen is 2.5 years old and slightly under weight otherwise healthy and Camden is 9 weeks old very healthy! They are both very good looking boys ( no I'm not bius, haha). We are waiting somewhat patiently to hear more about our boys or to see more pictures.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
It's a boy-and another boy!!!!
Today was 5 months and 2 days in to our approximated 8 month wait. We got the call about noon-2 sweet boys! We can't post pictures untill we have passed court but we are thrilled to show them off!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Today is month #5 for us. We are really hoping this means we are just a couple months from getting our refferal. As fas as we know average with our agency is still 6-9 months. So here is to the next few months!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
please help
I need to find a place in the Springfield area to have my jeans hemmed. Oh the joy of being short. If anyone knows of a good place please let me know.
Thank you
Thank you
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Today makes the 4th month of our "offical wait." It is strange how it feels so long and short at the same time. We are just glad to have the first 4 months of our wait behind us!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Another Day
Well we are doing nothing new as usual. Just work work work. But we are one day closer to bringing home our babies!!! To all of you who have purchased shirts and blankets, THANK YOU!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
I am so Excited I think I finally got the background set up the way I like it!! It may have taken a while but I love it!
P.s If anyone whould like to order a shirt they are $20.00 Free shipping and we have the following colors available
Red, Pink, Blue, Navy, Orange, Black, White, Green, and Yellow
Just let me know the size and color. You can e-mail me at AmB_monkeygirl@Hotmail.com
P.s If anyone whould like to order a shirt they are $20.00 Free shipping and we have the following colors available
Red, Pink, Blue, Navy, Orange, Black, White, Green, and Yellow
Just let me know the size and color. You can e-mail me at AmB_monkeygirl@Hotmail.com
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
2 months
Today marks two months on the waiting list!!!!!! WOW, time does go by much faster than you expect it to. We are really hoping the rest of our wait goes even quicker! We can't stand the thought that our children are out there somewere (in Ethiopia) just waiting for us to bring them home!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
We have decide to sell t-shirts to raise money to bring our children home from Ethiopia. The shirts are costing us $12.33 each so we decided to sell them for $20.00+$2.00 for shipping. I would like some feedback as to weather or not that sounds like a good price. The company making them is really busy this week so it will be 2 weeks before we get our shirts they will be black with yellow writing (at least the first batch will be these colors.) The shirts will have the words Adopt, pray, Ethiopia, Africa, Hope, Peace, and Love arranged to the shape of Africa.
Please let us know what you think!
Thank you
Please let us know what you think!
Thank you
Saturday, June 20, 2009
This blogging thing turns out to be much more difficult than I thought. Trying to get everything to show up the way you would like is just not that easy! I am learning though.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Thank you
We would like to thank everone for there prayers. Brandon's mother is doing much better and may get to come home soon! As for the adoption, no new news yet:(
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Please be praying fror Brandon's mother, she was hospitalized last night for blood clots in her lungs. This is a very serious thing! She will likley be there for a while.
Thank you ahead of time for your prayers.
Thank you ahead of time for your prayers.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Adoption Fundraiser
We are also selling afew items to raise money for our adoption. Please check them out at www.zoesmother.etsy.com
First Blog
This is my first time to blog. I guess I can start out by telling a little about our family. I will start with what led to our decision to adopt from Ethiopia.
We have always said the we wanted to adopt but our plan was to have biological children and when they were school age we would adopt from the US. We should have known better than to make plans, when God tells you to do something you should listen immediately not when you think your ready. Back to my story, after four miscarriages we went to a fertility specialist in Tulsa, OK (Tulsa Fertility Center Dr. Blackwell, highly recommended.) We went through two rounds of in-vitro before finding out we were expecting. Our trouble are over, or so we thought. Zoe (our daughter) was born 17 weeks early for no apparent reason. Unfortunately at 15oz she was just to little and there was nothing that could be done to save her. She was and still is the best thing that has ever happened to us. Zoe Ann Kirksey was born Sept 12, 2008 at 6:46pm and went to heaven Sept 12, 2008 at 9:35pm. I guess I should also tell you I work in the NICU at the hospital where she was born, every time I go to work I see the room where she died as well as the wonderful Doctor and nurses who did their very best to save our angel. I still haven't decided if that is helping me heal or hendering it.
After Zoe was born we decided we have had it wrong all along and our children are already out there somewhere. We decided toward the end of Nov 2008 to go to an adoption meeting with Adoption for Families in Springfield, MO (also, highly recommended). We hadn't realized until we got to the meeting that Ethiopia was there main program. Our plan was to sign up with them for there domestic program. As soon as she started talking about the Ethiopian program I knew. That was all it took. So we are in the process of waiting for our referral. We have requested an infant and a toddler of either sex. We are overjoyed and can not wait to have them home with us!!!
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